Two of my kids went with about 10 of their friends to the Oregon coast yesterday for a day of playing in the sun and water. An adult friend of ours went along to drive and supervise. (Thank you Chris!) We cautioned our teens about safety before they went, making it clear that the only reason they were being allowed to go is because an adult was driving them, etc.
Throughout the day yesterday I found myself praying for my son "C" and daughter "H"; for their safety and safe return home later that day. I also was praying the same for my oldest child "A" who has traveled to Lake Tahoe for the week with his girlfriend and her family. Lots of praying and petitioning for safe return of "my" children.
Last night around 9:30 my cell phone rang with a call from a number I didn't recognize. My husband picked up the phone and answered it as my hands were otherwise occupied and I couldn't easily do it myself. On the other end of the phone was my son "C", very animated, talking quickly and emotionally stressed. I could only pick up bits and pieces of the message as he talked to my husband who was not giving any kind of outward response. I heard snippets like, "pulled under", "still looking", "please pray". My heart was beating fast. Was he talking about his sister? Had something happened to her? Was it one of his friends?
After more questions and prompting we were relieved to know that everyone in their group was fine, however, they were on the beach and witnessing a tragedy unfold before their eyes.
Evidently our kids' group had just walked down to the waters edge and were readying themselves to watch the sunset when there was a sudden onslaught of emergency vehicles invading the beach. Spotting two people kneeling face down in the sand, soaking wet and sobbing, my son and his friend "D" were trying to piece things together. "C" wondered if there was something they could do. "D" suggested they all go ask the people if they could help in anyway.
Approaching the two, they discovered 2 teens, a boy and girl, soaking wet, crying and laying on the wet sand. "C" and "D" asked what, if anything, they could do. They soon discovered that the friend of these two teens, "Elliot", aged 16, had been caught by a wave and pulled under. As they spoke, helicopters continued to circle overhead looking for any sign of the young man. The two distraught teenagers were blaming themselves for having lost grip of their friend's hand when he was swept under by a wave. Soon a woman approached the two teens, encircled by our group of teenagers. It soon became apparent this was Elliot's mother. She bent down, attempting to console the two friends, letting them know it wasn't their fault. She embraced them in her arms and asked our group of teens to pray. She told everyone present that this is all anyone could do now...just pray; it was up to the Lord and what His will was. She made mention that if He wanted Elliot home with Him, then that is okay and He would get them all through this painful ordeal. She had released her son into the hands of the Lord.
I felt so moved by the compassion of our group of teens as they relayed the story of how they all prayed together for the mom and two friends,and for Elliot's rescue. They offered their coats for warmth as both kids were soaking wet. They walked with the pair to the waiting ambulances where they could be attended to and cared for. They stood with the mother, waiting, as emergency responders searched.
When my two teens arrived home safely last night, they talked for quite awhile about seeing and being a part of the events that had happened just hours before. They were both shaken and still understandably emotionally upset. Both were struck with the realization that this missing young man had set out for a day at the beach to play and enjoy the day with friends just like they had. They had new appreciation and understanding that one never knows what each day may hold and the importance of making each day matter.
As we all prayed for Elliot's family and friends last night, I also gave thanks that our kids were safely home with us after their day at the beach. Today, I find my thoughts and prayers being focused on this family and friends that have experienced such horrific loss. I think about the mother whose hope and trust was and is in the Lord, knowing that there was nothing she could do, except release her child back into the Lord's hands for safe keeping. My hope is that this "lost" teenager also had placed his trust in the Lord and is safely home too--with Jesus.
This posting was revised some after getting a little more information from my son about the events that transpired, and after the name of the lost teen was released this morning.
News report link**