Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bio Note

Okay, so it may seem like a little thing, but it's not.

I was reading through the program for "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown". It's a great looking program and very fun to read all the biography bits about the directors and the actors. But that's when I realized, that I'm the only one of all the "church" people that didn't thank God in my little biography section. (This whole "bio" thing is new to me...I had to ask what sort of things to say, what to include, etc.,--total "dweeb-ness" on my part!) Anyway, it may seem like a little thing to some, but really it's not. I know there is no way I could have even begun to think about doing this production except for the power and sovereignty of Christ in my life.

So, since I have a blog, this will be my public announcement of thanks to my Lord and Savior for dropping this wonderful surprise into my lap. All along in my blog I **think** I have made it known that the opportunity to be Lucy is a total gift from the Lord. It has been a joy in my life at a time when I have felt restless. But it goes beyond that. This process has been about connecting on a deeper level with who the Lord created me to be.

The only thing I can liken this to is childbirth. I remember when I was pregnant I had the sense that as a woman, I was totally, 100%, being used for the purpose I was created for. Every body part working towards growing a human being. There was such a sense of "fulfillment" (I was going to say "fullness"--but that was a little cheeky!)

Having the opportunity to be Lucy is somewhat like that--100% of me is being used for what I was created for. This is who God created me to be. Sure it is exhausting, but the joy and fulfillment, the fun of "playing", the work of dancing and singing at the same time, the task of whipping a 47-year-old body into enough shape to run and yell continuously are all hard work, but so great at the same time.

There is no way in a mortal, human sense I could do this in my own strength. Well, I certainly could try, but the results would be lack luster. No, the only way this is possible is because of God's grace and goodness. He has been my partner throughout this process; every rehearsal, every day as I memorized lines, every dance movement, He has been the one holding my hand, whispering the words of affirmation, correction and encouragement into my ears and heart. On those many days when I faced real doubt and was discouraged, or when I would begin to self-sabotage and compare my lack of experience in theater to the mountain of collective experience with the rest of the cast, He, my dear Lord, has always been right there, telling me to look only into His face and walk by His Truth. He is the one who called me to this part, He is the one that created me with the abilities I have, He is the one who gives me the strength and ability to do this. He is the one who gets the glory.

So, although this isn't the official program, lest anyone should wonder, first and foremost, I want to thank my Savior, who makes everything have purpose and joy. Thank you, Lord, for creating me like you did, for allowing me to have this chance to "play" and for stretching me in so many new ways. Thank you for teaching me, daily, to trust you deeper, know you more intimately and depend on you more fully. Thank you for this great group of people that I have the opportunity to work with. Each has been such a delight! I pray that You will shine through as the brightest star of this production.


Or, as Chad would say, "rock on" !


  1. The joy on your face last night confirmed all you have written here. You were in your "zone" and using your gifts and talents in such an incredible way. What a gift and blessing to see that!

    Rock on! (And trust me - there was no way you looked 47 last night!)

  2. Hey Lucy!
    It's so funny how the enemy will work on us when we're doing all we can to glorify God! All last week I was thinking to myself...I have GOT to step my performance up...people are going to wonder why in the heck I was cast with the rest of these people. I too had to remember to rely on His strength. I can do all things through Him...!!!

    God is truly so good and I am still in awe just thinking that he was smiling down on us yesterday because we were doing what He created us to do. Thank you so much for putting your heart into this show. As I've said before, I can't imagine a more perfect Lucy.

  3. Opening night was wonderful! The cast is so talented, the costumes are great, the girl's dresses are so cute! Cheryl, you are the Drama Queen! You really nailed Lucy! Those of you who read this from near and far, you really need to take a road trip and come see this show!

  4. Hey sister, no need to fret over a bio! We know your heart. And God knows your heart. Trust me, we see His light shining through you in this show. Bios are a PAIN!

    Alright, true confessions time. I LOVE THE QUEEN PIECE! It is absolutely hysterical. You have completely captured Lucy in that scene from her highness relishing in her adoring subjects to the big sister threatening her little bro. You're awesome in this show.

  5. Thank you Cheryl for showing and portraying Christ here on your blog as well as during rehearsals and during the performances. You truly have been an encouragement to me these past few months.


