Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm 1 year old today!

Today is my blogging birthday! One year ago today I entered the world of blogging and posted my first pondering. What a fun year it has been.

On this noteworthy day, my celebration will be rather quiet, spent only with close family members. I won't have a marathon blogging session, re-hashing every post from the last year, nor will I be posting anything that will impact humanity in a significant way. Instead it will be a day filled with nieces and nephews visiting their auntie and cousins, culminating in a viewing of Disney's movie, "High School Musical 2". It should be a very memorable event! Perhaps even blog-worthy!

Thank you to all of my fellow bloggers, readers, and "lurkers" who have visited, commented, and lurked throughout the last year. It has been lots of fun! I'm looking forward to another year of sharing my ponderings.


  1. Happy 1st Blogging Birthday! I have really enjoyed your posts over this past year and have been inspired by your words. It's a great way to keep up on you and your family too! Looking forward to many more blogging birthdays from you!

  2. Happy Blirthday. Get it? I'm impressed that you remembered such a milestone (and no, that's not an "at your age" statement). You must be one of those super-on-top-of-it people who remembers every date of significance for every person they ever met. Boy how I envy that gift. Do you buy the whole year's worth of cards at once and have them pre-addressed and stamped? I have a gift closet and some generic cards for emergency use. I'm afraid there aren't any Blirthday cards in the mix though. Hey, that could be a great new business venture! We should talk to blogger about it.

    Thanks for sharing your ponderings. I love keeping in touch even if it's digitally. And I love growing in faith with you through your insights.

  3. Happy Birthday, my blogging sister! Thank you so much for your transparency and honesty. I always look forward to reading new posts from you.

  4. happy blog-birthday cheryl!!! xoxoxo, Becci :)

  5. Happy blog birthday. I have enjoyed visiitng and will continue to do so.

  6. Happy Blogiversary! So glad you took the plunge a year ago and joined the blogging tribe.

    Your wisdom has been such an encouragement to me. (And I've loved working with your kids a bit this summer. They are keepers for sure!)

    See you soon!

  7. Happy Blogiversary!

    I have missed reading you for a while...
