Thoughts about living real life as a real follower of Jesus....and other things to ponder.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
The Happiest Place on Earth
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Examining My Life Map
Many months ago my blog consisted of thoughts about this transitional phase of life I'm in and everything that comes with it; and today I'm still pondering these things. I know I'm not alone and that actually, I'm pretty "normal" I suppose. I wouldn't call this a "crisis". It isn't. I don't feel that I'm in damage-control mode, but rather more of a 'navigational-ly challenged' mode as I head into uncharted waters.
Perhaps somewhere in my thinking years ago when I was making my life plans, I had the notion that since I would be in my 'later 4o's' when my kids started to leave the nest I would decide that continuing to stay at home would be satisfactory; or I'd have some kind of hobby that would engulf me, or perhaps I had the audacity to think that 40-something was "old" and I wouldn't really have the energy or desire to do much of anything else. I don't know. But somehow, this part of life was not mapped out in my brain. And so here I am today, in a quandary.
Knowing that after this year, half of my children will be out of high school and another 4 years after that the other half will be out, I feel this urgency to 'get it together' and figure out what I want to be when I grow up...or at least when my kids grow up. But reality is, if viewed throught the secular eye, there aren't a lot of options out there for a later 40's, stay-at-home mom, part-time, Jill-of-all-trades-master-of-none-type woman to do.
And so, this brings me to the question or questions that I've been pondering a lot these days. Believing that the life I live is bigger than what I see with my eyes, bigger than what the world says, but rather a truly spiritual, redeemed life, I find myself asking, "What Lord--what am I to do with this part of my life? What do YOU want to do with my life? What do I do with this desire and drive you've placed there? How can you work these together to serve you?"
So, the Lord continues to build my faith; and this is where I get goose bumps. This very week, the Lord has been speaking directly to me about this process through scripture. Daily He has shown me His truth that speaks to my spirit and addresses me, right where I am, at this moment on my time line.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Are You Ready For Some Football?
I discovered my new, "favorite" quote in a scene where the football coach is talking to one of his a team members about his lack of respect toward his father. The coach says to the young man, " Your attitude is the aroma of your heart".
Isn't that great? I have thought about that throughout the day today and have actually caught myself a few times when I was having a negative "aroma".
Aah.....I love this time of year and the smiling faces of my dear children.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Floodlight Living
This past weekend, after another night of intermittent sleep and early waking, I had a long prayer time, pouring my heart out to the Lord. Nothing has felt "settled" and almost every area of life seems out of whack right now. I don't have that sense of peace and calm--not even in a new home.
After my wee-hours-morning-time with the Lord, I felt it heavily impressed upon me that I needed to make time in the Word a priority once again. I needed to get an anchor into the ground, something that doesn't change, something totally reliable.
So I began getting back into my old routine this week, waking early every morning, before the busy-ness of getting ready for school and work, and spending time with the Lord, reading, praying, journaling. It has only been 4 days, but man oh man, can I see a difference in my attitude and disposition. And an overwhelming peace has blanketed my spirit.
As a side note, almost a year ago, I bought a read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year Bible. For too long I had let the indecision of, 'hmm, where should I read? What should I read? What haven't I read for a long time?, etc., get in the way of really having a productive reading time. So, no more excuses, being very able to know what day it is, I merely find the date and read the scripture--Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs--everyday--or at least that is my goal.
A firm believer in the truth that Scripture is alive and relevant today,I've been amazed how everyday, the Lord has something to show me. Today, the Psalm was #56. Perhaps a well known part of this Psalm is where David (the author) says, 'If God is for me, who can be against me'. However, this wasn't the part that struck me so profoundly. The last couple of verses did.
I am under vows to you, O God;What this spoke to me was this: I need to remember my covenant with the Lord. He is my savior, Lord of my Life, I am his, totally. This is not "my" life, but His.
I will present my thank offerings to
For you have delivered me from death
and my feet from
that I may walk before God
in the light of life.
Secondly, I need to be mindful every day, always, to be thankful, give God thanks, tell him what I'm thankful for, etc. Scripture is filled with the importance of coming to the Lord with thanksgiving, before we present our requests. This passage even reminds the reader--reminded me--that a foundational item of thanksgiving is the realization that God delivered me from death (salvation through Christ), and that He is the one that keeps me safe, steadfast, on the path rather than stumbling along in the muck and mire.
The final verse really resonated and is carrying me through the day today:
"...and I may walk before God in the light of life."
Wow! That is a promise--not a "maybe"--but assurance that remembering that God is the Lord of my life, that He is the one who is keeping me, holding my hand and keeping me from stumbling about today--because of that, I get to walk before God in His floodlight that is a vibrant, vital life. Apart from this light, there isn't any real life. The world offers substitutions that are at first alluring and attractive, but eventually disappointing. Nothing is fulfilling if it isn't covered in God's light.
When I place the things of my every day life into the context of this scripture, it gives a right perspective. The situations and circumstances may not change, but how I view them does. For example, my part-time administrative assistant job has been almost excruciating to go to these days. (I know...strong sentiment...but I'm really at that point!) Really great, generous boss, but the work itself is boring and requires very little of my mind or abilities. It is a very unsatisfying job in that I don't really feel like I'm doing what I was created to do...but it is an income so I keep doing it...and although I've been looking...the Lord hasn't opened a door to anything else. (I am VERY aware that this is how the Lord has been providing and very thankful, so don't get me wrong. In fact, in light of the scripture I read this morning, I thanked the Lord first thing for providing a job for me when I know there are so many looking for work.) What I struggle with is that I'm a person who needs/wants to do a job that really matters, long term, in the greater scope of things, so working in a small office that is centered around someone earning commissions and driven by making money, is hard to wrestle with everyday. I can't quite see how it fits in with eternity.
After reading this passage, I felt the Lord reminding me that even in my work situation, He can give it purpose and "life" because I'm walking with Him, in His light. I may not know what that is, or be able to see it, but if I keep focused on Him, giving Him thanks, He can take a very basic job and give it meaning beyond what the world offers. I'm thankful for that hope.
I know this post is a little journaling really...but felt I should share it. I titled this post, "Floodlight Living" because that is the perspective I want to have, especially in these days of a life that seems so "out of whack". I want to remember and be intentional about viewing the "everyday, ordinary-ness" of my life, bathed in His light of life.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Only Her Hairdresser Knows for Sure
This is a total fluff piece to fill the void while I'm finalizing some ponderings on another issue, or issues. Just take this as a friendly warning...or advice...or something...I doubt there is anything of real depth that will follow...
It seems lately, with frequency, that I've been getting comments about my hair color. (I know...this is deep, thought-provoking stuff.)It is just funny to me, that's all. Last Saturday after church, I saw a gal I hadn't seen for the last month and a half. First thing she commented on was how dark my hair was. My own mother even asked me a few months ago if I was coloring my hair "that dark".
For the record---my hair color on most of my head--is my natural dark brown hair color. I say "most" of my head, because the ends have the signs of grown-out highlights. If one were to compare the end 3 inches of my hair with the top of my head and bangs, the color difference is noticeable. My friend, Michelle, who cuts and highlights my hair, is so good that the highlights always look natural, and "brighten" my hair a bit, making it a wee bit lighter brown. What's funny, is that I haven't had my hair highlighted all that often. I think I'm just in a really dark hair phase right now. I haven't been out in the sun much at all this summer, so my natural highlights haven't had a chance to shine. Maybe that is why my hair seems darker than usual...??
So, yes, my hair really is this dark. However, I am feeling that it is near time to get highlights once again; it does wonders in helping to camouflage the increasing white strands that are shining through!
Beware, I just may keep you posted on coming events...
Thursday, September 06, 2007
We're adjusting to new sounds while sleeping at night; most noticeably the absence of road and airport noises, and the presence of frogs and crickets "chirping".
We're adjusting--slowly--to more space. We have one room that is completely empty because we don't have enough "stuff" to put in it. This will most likely be the "overnighter" room when the kids' friends can stay over night. I find myself staring blankly into the cupboard spaces wondering what I should put in them. 'Perhaps if I spread out my canned goods it will take up more space in the pantry.' (I know--a great problem to have!)
We're adjusting to not remembering what box we packed something in, but confident that we will discover it one day soon. We're adjusting to just "making do" until that day!
We're all adjusting to new morning routines that involve walking to school and a few changes in the work commute.
We're adjusting to a life that suddenly is void of immense stress and pressure and finding a new pace that works.
The kids are adjusting to another school year, but thankfully at the same schools.
I'm adjusting to the kids beginning another school year but with the same bit of melancholy I always feel at this time of year. It all goes so quickly, and I always experience a little bit of sadness that our summertime together is over. This year is another big year for us; my second oldest is entering his senior year, my oldest daughter is a sophomore and my baby is an 8th grader. How can it be? I remember holding her hand as we walked to kindergarten just the other day--or so it seemed--and then crying all the way home as I walked home empty handed.
I'm adjusting to a body that is now fully recovered from surgery. I am feeling an increase in energy and obvious absence of pain that I had unknowingly become accustomed to.
I'm adjusting to all these changes by consuming WAY too much caffeine to keep me going these days. My "good" eating habits have gone out the window the last couple of weeks as I find myself reaching for comfort foods.
I'm adjusting to the notion that I'd better get "back on the wagon" soon and change the way I'm eating, pronto!
I'm adjusting to adjusting. I used to think I didn't mind change, or changes. But that is something I've discovered about myself in this process--change is exhausting--and I feel a little bit like I'm limping over the finish line...but nevertheless...did finish! I know I need to be gracious with myself in that we did packed up an entire household, painted rooms and cleaned an entire townhouse,had surgery and moved into another house all in 1 month's time. (okay, when I put it in writing like that...I don't feel like such a wimp!)
I'm adjusting to the idea that there are still adjustments, even when your cup is overflowing with abundance, like mine. I'm thankful that I get to adjust to these bountiful blessings.