Saturday, August 19, 2006

Holy Flowers, Batman!!!

I'm up early this morning. Actually, that's pretty much the "norm" on the weekends. Even when I was a little girl, I was usually the first one up in the morning. (I discovered it was a great time to sneak into the cookie jar!) This morning, the rest of my family is snoozing away. The dogs have been fed, I have a cup of coffee close by and I am enjoying the quiet and calm of the house. This is one of my favorite times of the day. And, I have to admit, I'm excited at the thought of having the computer to myself without interruptions! I woke up thinking about "blogging"--so I think it is official--I'm hooked. I love this blogging adventure! Thank you for all your kind, welcoming comments!

Yesterday, I visited my friend Terri whose mother just passed away. I was there in an official capacity, but also as a friend. You see, officially, I was the florist delivering "sympathy" flowers to her from her church family. (I provide flowers and plants for our church for bereavements, memorial services and hospital visitations.) But as a friend, I was there to grieve with her and hug her.

I'm a floral designer by trade. I have worked as a lead designer in several shops throughout the years, but currently am on my own and have my own business. I don't have a store front, but so far the kitchen and dining room tables have been working just fine. I was drawn to arranging flowers my senior year in high school. That's when I had a part-time job doing office work at the flower shop across the street from the school. After graduating from college, I re-kindled my interest in flowers, went to floral design school...and the rest is history.

As a floral designer I have had the opportunity to share with some their greatest joys: the births of babies, their weddings, celebration of great accomplishments; and their greatest sorrows: the death of a loved one, a miscarriage, the loss of jobs or other opportunities, etc. There have been times that I have been in tears as a family is trying to select just the perfect casket piece for their deceased wife and mother; or the time a grandmother-to-be came into the shop after learning her first grandchild was stillborn, searching for just the right flower arrangement to convey her love and grief to her daughter.

From time to time, I struggle with the idea that being a floral designer is rather "fluff" work-- Nothing too "spiritual" about taking some flowers and plopping them in a vase (okay, there IS more to it than that!) Or, my self-talk might go something like this: 'What is radical and earth shaking about delivering flowers? Why can't I be one of those movers and shakers? No...I'm just a posey-pusher'.

But yesterday I was convicted, once again, about my attitude regarding being a florist. As I drove away from Terri's house I was overwhelmed with the sense that we had just had a very "spiritual" moment. God was present. We talked about His faithfulness, His goodness and how in our sorrow He is very near and present. I felt so blessed by being with Terri, sharing in her grief, being the one "chosen" to convey the love of her church family and the love that God has for her. What an honor and privilege.

Bottom line, what I'm learning (slowly) is that everything and anything we do can be used by Him and can be "spiritual" if we surrender it to him. Hhhmmmm... There seems to be scripture about that! Colossians 3:17, "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

I'm so thankful that the One who created me, with a creative bent, can use that for His glory--in ways I don't even know--and in turn I am blessed. How does He do that?

Lord, thank you for knowing me so intimately and giving me this drive to create and share that with others. I pray that you will always be glorified and honored and that others will see you through the beauty of your flowers and the flower delivery person!


  1. Wonderful "ponderings" about using our passions for Him! Knowing you and your tender heart, God knew that you could use your passion for art and creativity in a way that could minister to others. Isn't he so cool that way? I loved how Dr. Breshears spoke on this a few weeks ago and I think he called it the "blessing zone" or something along that lines. It sure feels good when we land there, doesn't it? :)

  2. Hi! Welcome to blog land!

    This was a great post, and it made me think of something I have been wanting to write about for a Friday Flashback, and I keep forgetting. Sometimes we really forget how God can use us wherever we are! No matter what job he has us doing, or how small we think it might be. He see's bigger. ;)


  3. Found your blog through Kim G. Welcome to the blogosphere! I enjoyed reading this post, especially because I didn't follow the path I felt "drawn" to after college (too afraid). Eventually I did. As you share, taking a creative path can be very spiritual. Your lesson rings true.

  4. I really like your post and want to welcome you to blogging.Oddly enough on sunday the 27th I will be moving to the Portland area.I am glad to have found quite a few of you who blog. I would love to have you stop by mine sometime too.
    I was also wondering can you recommend any good churches in your area as some of the house we are looking for are near you.
    I have you bookmarked on my bloglines and will be checking back often.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing how God is moving in your life. It's so easy for many of us to forget that God has placed us exactly where He WANTS us and will use us for His's so easy to miss the blessings he gives us each day-what a great reminder that no matter what we're doing, He is in control.
