Sunday, June 10, 2007

With Gratitude

Several times this week I found myself talking to people overflowing with gratitude to the Lord for how he has moved so specifically and directly in their lives. It is always such a privilege to have others share their stories, and it is encouraging to hear stories of how God is at work--it helps to keep that "big" picture of the body of Christ, and a God who never slumbers but is always watchful and caring.

Earlier this week as I met with a soon-to-be-bride to discuss wedding flowers, she shared with me how she and her groom had met. This is an older couple and not the first marriage for either of them. There was such a glow on the bride's face as she spoke of how good God was to bring them together, how thankful they are that they get the surprise of a marriage at this point in their lives, how thankful they are that best friends get to be married. It was so moving. I am so privileged to be a part of this celebration!

On another day, as I spoke with a co-worker who is employed by the brother of my employer--same industry, but different city (got all that?)--she was sharing the excitement of how God had closed some doors and opened some others. She and her husband had been praying about direction and help in re-ordering their lives and cutting back somewhere. Without prior indication, God made it evident just this week that it was time to move on from her job and step into the unknown. She isn't quite sure what she will be doing next, but there is such peace for her because God made it very clear it was time to be released from her job.

A few days ago, I spoke with a friend whose desire was to move to another part of the state, although not all the family members were on board with the idea. There was tension between the spouses as one was very eager and ready to move, the other was not and didn't know if they'd ever get there. After a day of fasting and praying about it, the couple came to agreement and are excited to plan a move to central Oregon next year. What's even more, the kids are all very excited too. The wheels were set in motion this week to buy property in their new home town. They are all so grateful to the Lord for moving in their hearts to come to a place of unity.

In my own life, I have been praying about my job situation, about direction for ministry, service, life....etc. The Lord has give direction clearly on that as well. You all know my desire to find a different job, but the Lord, for now has let me know I need to stay put...for whatever reason. In fact, the same day I felt this confirmation from the Lord, I was surprised with a raise in pay. My heart's desire is to still be involved in some other kind of work (eg, not clerical and not with insurance), and I still talk to the Lord about this, but I am also content and willing to be where He has me right now. I'm thankful for this job, and I trust Him and believe he has me where he does for a purpose.

Also, my husband and I have been talking about moving and daydreaming about where that might be, how that fits in with school for the kids, where do we want to end up, etc. Just thinking "out of the box" and not limiting where God might want to put us, but praying and being open to whatever he desires for us. We've been doing some looking around in other areas which would mean new schools, new church, new work (for me) and new friends for all of us. So far we haven't gotten the "go ahead", but rather, a "stay put" for now. We're praying that we will be sensitive to the Lord and open to what he has for us, even if it means staying put and continuing on where we are. So that in itself is an answer, and we are grateful.

How have you seen God working directly in your life this week? What are you grateful for? Please feel free to share your story of gratitude with me and others by leaving a comment.


  1. "...thinking outside the box" is dangerous. It could lead to faith that is stretched, tested, rewarded and then tried even more.

    The one thing you can count on is when you start to move (rather, leap - as in leap of faith...) you are certain to gain the attention of the enemy - I have found this true in the last 12 month.

    Pray Hard


  2. bg

    Thanks for the reminder to be constantly in prayer. I don't pray nearly enough.

    You're right, about the faith does feel a bit like painting a large red target on one's chest--but I know in my Spirit it is worth it. I don't want to be lukewarm, but wholly committed to the one I profess is Lord of my life.

    I'll be praying for you too! Thank you for sharing.


  3. Wow, I just spoke with a friend this weekend about that infamous "what am I doing with my life" question. I have friends who have dedicated their professional lives to making a difference in the world. Nurses, NPO employees, church employees, etc. But here I am putting more "stuff" into the world so that people can get into more debt. Hardly seems like a calling. But perhaps I'm meant to show God's love to my co-workers. Maybe that's enough.

    My posting today was on peace in the chaos. I try to live a well-rounded life. Since my job is so commercial, I want to balance it with service to God and my community. As a result, my life is a rolling state of chaos. But God continually breathes order into my chaos. I am thankful that He gives me the strength and surrounds me with the support I need.

  4. Hi Cheryl: It was good to get home from Southern CA and get caught up on reading everyones posts.
    How exciting, that the Lord is leading you....and you are willing to listen and follow!
    I'm so grateful for so many things, but the fact that I am retired, and can take off at the drop of a hat when someone needs me is such a blessing. And of course a wonderful hubby that says "Go Momma"!!
    Love and Hugs
