Friday, March 07, 2008

A Sweet Day

I got home a short while ago from my 26 hour stay with Mom. It was a sweet time.
We know that many have been praying for peace over Mom and strength for each of us and I just had to share how your prayers were being answered. Mom suddenly turned a corner yesterday morning and as of last night was back to the sweet gal she's been all along in this process. Her angst about "going home" was gone, her argumentative attitude was absent, and that strange look in eyes had vanished. And the best part?? She knew who I was!! She smiled big when I asked her if she knew me. She looked at me and put her frail hand gently on my hand and said, "You're my Cheryl". Oh, I can't tell you how that felt!

She has been in bed, straight for the last 24 hours, unable to get out of bed, not wanting to eat, and barely able to be roused from her deep sleep. When she does wake, it is for the briefest of moments. Her voice is very faint and she doesn't waste any words. However, I would have to say, she was still cracking jokes even today the few times she was awake. With all these indicators, it seems we really are near the end now.

Dear Stacey, our hospice nurse, of course can't predict what will happen, but she said she probably will not answer us one of these days soon and then she'll just slip away. I think we're all ready now...I think that is why the Lord gave us this last we would know we were ready. I know whenever He takes her home, it will be just exactly on-time.

I just had to share the joy gift the Lord gave to us....bringing Mom back around to a place of peace and rest, and to us knowing that Mom recognized each of us and we were able to say our "I Love You-s".


  1. I am so happy that you have been able to have this sweet time with your mom. My heart was breaking for you earlier this week. Please know that you and your family will continue to be in our prayers.
    Love you friend!

  2. Cheryl, that is so great! What a gift and a relief!

  3. I agree with Jennifer and Becci.
    Love ya, Sandy

  4. God is good - all the time. Praying for you dear sister.
