Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Gas and grocery prices being what they are these days, it seems despite our attempts to cut back, conserve, buy cheap and do without, my dollar doesn't seem to be stretching very far. We have cut a lot of "extras" out of our weekly expenditures, but it seems we're not really seeing the fruit of our prudent spending. Or maybe we are in that we actually do have gas and food money every week. We continue to eat and are able to commute to work, so I guess that says something.

I'll confess, I have been known to have a lead foot. Well, maybe that is extreme. I haven't had a 'need for speed' but rather, I just have always figured the "real" speed limit is at least 5-8 miles above what is posted. And it seems that majority of fellow motorist share the same notion. However, I'd like to publicly admit, I have seen the error of my ways and and am now committed to going the posted 55 MPH all in an effort to make my gas last longer and get the most mileage for my bucks. (Well, and it is the right thing to do, right?) And you know what? It actually works! I hop on the freeway for my daily commute to work, put my car in "cruise" mode at 55 and sip my coffee as a gazillion cars pass me! In my former commutes this would have bugged me and my impatience would have gotten the better of me, but now, since I'm actually seeing my gas is lasting longer, I have the satisfaction of knowing I'm being frugal with my gasoline.

Buying groceries has also taken on the characteristics of an adventure. I've always been an avid shopper at Winco, so not a lot of changes there, however, I've recently begun going back to our Grocery Store Outlet. I used to shop at this store years ago, and got out of the routine as the location was no longer convenient when we moved. However, back in proximity once again, I decided to go back and see what "deals" I could find. You really have to hunt, but there are some great prices; however, like all stores, you can find some items at a better price somewhere else.

My "big score" last week was finding 'big bag cereal' for $.99! And it was the kind my kids like!! Needless to say, we stocked up--and evidently everyone else did too, because when I went back two days later to get more, they were all out. We've tried a few other "finds" that didn't turn out to be so great tasting --so probably won't try them again--but the sense of adventure was part of the fun. And it wasn't a costly discovery in the big scheme of things.

These are just a couple of little ways we've been able to cut costs or make our resources last longer. Oh, I just had a flash back to when I was growing up. My Mom would mix regular milk with a pitcher of powdered milk & water (UGH!!) to make the milk last twice as long...Okay, I hope I'm never that desperate to have to do that! (Do they even sell powdered milk anymore?)

What do you do to make your dollars stretch? Please feel free to share with the rest of us!


  1. Oh man, my dad totally tried to put powdered milk in the milk jug but there is just no comparison! I will stick with h2o thank you very much.

    We just bought a Hybrid so that really helps. Though that may not be a practical example. Honestly, we're just driving less. If we don't have to go, we don't. And the boat is sadly dry docked in the garage.

    We are also not eating out anymore. That is probably due to the infant at home as much as anything though. And I have begun planning my weekly menu so that I'm buying only the groceries I need to prepare it. Less waste and impulse purchasing.

    Now if I can only be inspired to ease up on the gas pedal. That's a tough one!

  2. Great job, Cheryl and what a great way for us to get penny-pinching ideas from each other! My hubby LOVES to see how money can work for us, so we've tried a few new things...I plan out our meals one month in advance and then switch things around when certain things go on sale...I also try to clump my errands so I'm not driving to the same places each day. We only eat out once a month now too. We just try to make it fun, but sometimes it's just frustrating!!

  3. We are trying to combine trips too, walk when we can, use the more fuel efficient vehicle as much as possible and avoid using the air conditioner unless it's really hot. Our teen daughter is now paying for her own gas. A good reality check for her! She is more diligent in asking her friends to chip in for gas money now.

    I have been a clearance shopper for a long time. The menu planning is something I should do more of. We aren't eating out as much now either.

    Thanks, Cheryl for putting out this question. We can get ideas from each other and be encouraged that we're not alone in this. Even if in a "misery loves company" sort of way!

