Wednesday, July 02, 2008

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30

This passage has been swirling through my mind quite a lot lately. I've been ruminating on it--meditating on it--this week.

As I read fellow bloggers thoughts, or exchange emails with a dear friend recovering from a severe illness (love you K!), or hear of loved ones recently diagnosed with cancer, or other's whose family members have recently passed away, and stories of many others who are living through hardships due to unemployment, displaced homes, broken marriages, and so forth, I can't shake off the heaviness--the burden--that comes with living this life. Still feeling the weight of recent losses and on-going trials myself , I continue to feel the weight, even the tug-o-war that we as believers encounter daily; the desire to be obedient and follow the Lord wherever he leads, stepping out in faith, wanting to grow in deeper intimacy with Him, confident of his ability and his faithfulness, all the while, experiencing the cost that comes from following and surrendering. More often than not, this "cost" comes in the form of pain or discomfort, sorrow or grief, separation or uncertainty. (I know--I'm sounding a bit doom and gloom. Certainly there are times of joy and exuberance as well.)

"Weary" and "burdened" are two adjectives that I have used to describe the last many months of my life. So believe me, this passage of scripture has had my attention for quite awhile now. Having heard these verses growing up, I had wondered how something seemingly so heavy and cumbersome as a yoke could be light and easy? A bit "ox"-ymoronic I thought. I appreciate these words so much more since I heard a radio pastor describe an "easy yoke." (Perhaps this is old news to many, but I find it refreshingly hopeful...)

In true "ox" terms, there is such a thing as an "easy yoke". This is a special yoke, custom-made for each animal that will be wearing the yoke. The yoke is fitted perfectly to the oxen so that it won't rub or irritate the neck and shoulders of each animal. In fact, it is finely sanded and smoothed to eliminate any kind of friction that would cause the animal(s) to become impaired by sores or callouses that in effect would slow them down while doing their work, or worse yet, cause the animal(s) to become useless because of injury. (I wonder if Jesus made "easy yokes" when he was a carpenter? ) Secondly, as was the custom with an "easy yoke" , a weaker animal would always be paired with a stronger, more experienced one. This way, the stronger animal would take the lead and yet, being shoulder to shoulder with the weaker one, would help carry the load. The weaker one would learn from the stronger one and in effect become stronger as well, but it's burden would be lighter because of the ox it was linked to.

What a wonderful calming picture of what Jesus invites me (us) into. I love the imagery. He asks me to take on his yoke; one that is "easy", made to fit me perfectly. This isn't a one-size-fits-all deal! He is so personal and knows me so intimately that he knows just how to make the yoke fit so it won't cause additional pain or impairment. I love the picture too, of being linked shoulder to shoulder with Jesus, yet, He being the stronger of the pair, is always a few steps ahead leading the way; all I have to do is follow and learn from him, while having my load lightened because it is being carried by someone stronger and wiser than me.

I have been finding rest and comfort in this image--in the truth--of coming to Jesus, taking on his yoke, leaning into Him, learning from Him, and allowing Him to lead; the load feels lighter, and I am finding a refreshment in my spirit even in the midst of uncertain circumstances.

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