Saturday, December 16, 2006

Holiday Treats

I thought I would share a couple of God's "holiday treats" we've tasted during this Christmas season.

The sweetness of prayer
This is "peak" season for my husband, a busy UPS guy. It is not uncommon for thankful "regular" customers to give him small gifts of homemade goodies or gift certificates to show their appreciation of his faithful service throughout the past year. This year has been no exception. This last week he brought home a card given to him from the Vietnamese nuns he sees frequently while delivering their communion supplies. He opened the card and read, "You and your dear ones are remembered daily in the prayers and works of the community." I was so touched by this sincere gift of prayer. What a blessing!

Senses seasoned with God's Power
Our local high school presented their annual holiday concert on Thursday night. Yep, you're thinking correctly...this was during the early hours of an intense wind storm that swept through the area. Shortly after the concert began, the power went out; the sound system went dead, main stage and auditorium lighting went black as emergency lights simultaneously came on. The decision was made by the principal and choir director to continue with the concert. The audience was in full agreement. Several different ensembles sang in dim light, reading music with the aide from cell phone lighting; pianists played as page-turners doubled as flashlight-holders.

The main choir performance was saved for the end of the concert. This is the 78 voice choir that most typically sings a capella. My son is a member of this group. As they entered from the back of the auditorium, the women began singing a South African freedom song. The room was filled with wonderful sensations of harmony, a percussive beat, and words that sang out, "We are marching to the arms of God." As these words were song, the auditorium shook with a the impact of a large wind gust. It was quite poetic. The song segued into a Nigerian Christmas song, "Betelchemu" (Bethlehem) which the young men began singing. When interpreted, the words say, -I'm so glad I have a loving father I can trust' (paraphrased). Again, but more intense and prolonged, came another blast of wind that shook the building, as if to emphasize the words being sung. I was keenly aware that God was participating, "singing" right along with the choir.

The wind seemed to die down and the choir continued singing their program. Their final selection was "Dona Nobis Pacem" or (if I understand this correctly) is "Grant us Peace." Again, the choir moved from the risers and encircled the audience. As they sang this beautiful, soothing, Latin round, the room was filled with a hush. A low, yet intensifying, rumble began. It crescendo'd to a burst of wind that again shook the rafters and eaves of the school. The final note was sung. The wind stopped. Peace.

May your senses be filled with the aroma and sweetness of God's presence. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Cheryl, what an amazing blessing that concert must've been. I'm sure it is something the students especially will never forget... your son will surely bet telling the tale of that night for many years to come.
