Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Checking In

And now for the weekly update....

I guess this sums up where things are in my blogging life right now...just updating...unable to spend too much time at serious ponderings as of late! (Although they are swirling around in my brain wanting a chance to jump out on a blog!)

We celebrated another birthday this last Monday, Memorial Day; son #2 turned 17. We gave him a cell phone. He was truly surprised and appreciative. (I guess we've put it off long enough he wasn't expecting it!) The phone was well deserved and we figured the timing was right as he heads into his senior year of high school in the fall. We have a birthday respite until early July when our oldest daughter turns 15--and is preparing for her driver's permit as we speak!

Rehearsals for "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" (YAGMCB) are coming right along. I had my first musical-related nightmare-ish dream the other night. You know, the kind where everyone else seems to know the words and choreography to the one song you didn't rehearse, and you have the solo part, and it is a sold out crowd on opening night?! Yeah, that kind of dream. I seem to be right on track. This is about the time I start having those stress-related kind of dreams. On the plus side, at least I'm sleeping. Soon, I expect to enter into the "no sleep zone" as I sing every song, run every dialogue, rehearse every dance in my head while I stare at the ceiling unable to sleep because my brain won't shut off! Oh, big excitement this week--my (Lucy's) black and white "saddle shoes" were ordered in my size and should arrive tomorrow!!

Only 2 more weeks of school for the kiddos. Hard to believe! Things are always so hectic these last couple of weeks as students hand in their final projects, perform their end-of-the-year programs, go on field trips and have parties. I'm always glad when the last day comes because it signifies the end of daily doling out money for some school related activity!

Personally, the Lord is walking with me through some relationship challenges. Nothing really bad, just challenging and refining. I don't know that I have the reserves to deal with some of the "life" issues that I'm encountering, but He has been good in supplying just what I've needed, when I need it. I also have looked into a job that I could get excited about, but have not heard back from them yet. It is not looking positive, but again, I know God can move and change things. Will you pray with me? Will you pray that He would do a miracle and at least allow me the opportunity to pursue this job further and that they will give me a chance? (I don't want to go into details about it, but will fill you in down the road as needed!)

So, in a nutshell, this is life. I find my days filled with parenting, walking, rehearsing, singing, dancing, working,, I mean...parenting, walking, rehearsing, singing, dancing, Rejoicing!!
Thank you for all your great comments and support! I sure appreciate each of you!


  1. Loved hearing your update. And Happy Birthday to your son. They are all growing up...yes?
    Oh those shoes brought back memories of High School (1956-59) I loved my "spaulding" saddle oxfords. Polished them every night!!!
    Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  2. You go, girl! Can't wait to see you as Lucy! I'll be praying about the job opportunity. If it's not this one, a better one is around the bend!

  3. Glad you're getting the saddle shoes now to have time to break them in before the show opens. Hopefully you don't have to polish them every night!

    Ah yes, birthdays and cell phones. Happened at our house. Then comes running low on minutes and they figure out they'd better buy some additonal minutes themselves once in a while. But I think this is more of a girl thing, so your #2 son may do just fine.
