Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Good Grief! Life is Busy!

Hi dear blogging friends! I'm still here. I haven't forgotten you all. But as the title says, good grief! Life is busy these days!

This week is one for the record books: I've been having rehearsals for 'Charlie Brown' 4 nights a week; my daughter is in a musical at her school, and this is dress rehearsal week for her with performances all weekend; my son has rehearsal tonight and performance tomorrow night for the high school's spring choir concert; we will be celebrating my oldest son's birthday this up-coming weekend; Add in working until 3:00 - ish everyday, running errands after work, grocery shopping, getting new tires on the mini-van, making 4 floral head wreaths for characters in the middle school musical, and singing on worship team last weekend....

Yep, I'm a little (lot) tired these days~but it's a "good" tired. Life is full and good. The Lord has been so faithful in meeting all of our needs and providing in so many ways. He is faithful!

The show is coming along great. I have to say this is one of the nicest casts I've been in. Everyone seems to genuinely like one another and we have a good deal of fun mixed in with work. I've noticed, too, that everyone seems to encourage one another. No prima donnas in the mix. It's great! The director and other "helpers" are wonderful as well and make this an enjoyable project. Here's a big shout out to Director Wendy, Musical Director Becci and Choreographer Lori! And a welcome and additional shout out to Chad (aka "Woodstock") our new accompanist!

For those of you who are "locals", check out the link for "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" tickets/reservations here and on the sidebar.

I'll write more as time allows. Thanks for hanging in there with me! Don't give up on me! I'll be checking in again soon.


  1. Whew! I am spinning! Missy you are busy! I am so excited for you and I am also happy that everything is running smoothly.

  2. Hey Lucy.....Sounds like so much fun....and hard work. Wish I could see your final production!

  3. I'm a first time reader of your blog (found it through Jennifer's site). And lo and behold, I find a shout out to ME! Guess I was meant to wander your way tonight.

    Anyhoo, I'm sooooo excited with what God is doing through this production and through you. You absolutely nailed the audition despite the fact that I would have never pictured you as a bossy know-it-all like Lucy. Guess that's what they call "acting".

    Fasten your seatbelts and keep your arms & hands inside the car at all times cause you are one busy lady. But I'm happy to hear you say it's a good kind of busy. Not to be a downer but you don't realize how good busy is until things come to a screeching halt. You have the right perspective. Enjoy all of the wonderful events that just so happen to be stacking on top of each other right now. And for goodness sake, remember to breathe!

  4. Lori! I'm so glad you stopped by! I've checked in on your blog from time to time but mostly have been at a loss for words. Thank you for reminding me of the importance of a right perspective!

    Seriously, thanks for the choreography. You're doing a great job and making it enjoyable at the same time. I promise to keep working hard--albeit out of breath--but I'll work hard!!


  5. Can't wait to see the show! I hope that things calm down a bit for you in the future but what fun it is to hear about all the activities of the family! :)

  6. Sadly, I'm the most out of shape of the whole group. Fortunately I just have to dance a few times as you learn it AND I don't have to sing at the same time. Oh, did I forget the acting part too? But as I dragged my sweaty carcass into the shower after rehearsal last night, I remembered how fun it is to dance. It's the best cardio workout you forget you're getting. You know? I'm thinking I should get my bootay into the studio and have some good old fashioned fun. And maybe drop a few hospital lbs in the process. Keep shakin it sister!

  7. Hey Lucy Girl: You can't get rid of us....we'll be checking in. I was gone for a few days, but I'm glad the "Show" is coming along so good.
