Monday, September 22, 2008


It's amazing what results can be obtained when one has the right information!

After intensely studying this past week, new course information, terms and laws as they pertain to health insurance, I re-took (is that a real word?) the state licensing exam on Friday. What relief I felt when I saw "PASS" in the results section. Whew! It is so nice to be done with the studying part of things.

This morning I checked with department of insurance and my license has been issued. So, I'm official. Never would I have imagined I'd be a licensed health insurance agent. What can I say--it is a mystery to me, but not to God. I'll just trust him with this piece of the puzzle.


  1. Congratulations! Amazing when tested on material studied how well you can do! I'm glad that the test is in your past! Now I am interested in how you are going to use this new license.
