Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Life Lessons from Confetti

Observations about life from a New Year's Eve Celebration: Some party-goers use confetti, and some don't.

The confetti-tossers do so not at all concerned about the messy clean up afterward. Oh, they understand there will be quite a mess, but it's not such a deterrent that it would stop the celebration. These celebrants marvel in the colors, the variety of shapes, and the wonder of it all. The traces of confetti that are discovered weeks later, hidden in the crevices are happy reminders of the celebration.

The non-confetti-tossers abstain from using confetti because the prospect of the mess and lengthy clean-up convinces them it is better to avoid confetti at all costs. The very presence of confetti causes distress and worry. Should said NCT's (non-confetti-tossers) happen to be in the presence of confetti tossers and by default be showered with confetti, the hidden pieces later discovered in the NCT's hair or down their shirt is viewed as an irritant and abrasive.

What kind of life party-er are you? As for me, I want confetti to be a staple in my pantry!


  1. I defintely need LOTS of confetti...and not that paper stuff, either. Give me the sparkly, shiny stuff. Nobody looks bad with sparkly, shiny confetti in their hair!

  2. hmmm.... I think I am a confetti party person. BUT! I do have a dirt devil handy.

  3. Angela Marie,

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!


  4. I have just found your blog, and I find it to be a breath of fresh air and real. I hope you stay a while, because I now keep checking to see what you are pondering! No pressure.

  5. Unfortunately, I think I'm the one who would be cringing at the idea of confetti in my house. I think that's more a factor of my upbringing than my true heart's desire though! If I didn't have to clean it up - bring it on!

  6. Thanks for commenting, Kim! I was too afraid to write what you just wrote. I'm anti-confetti... sad to say (I think!) However, realize that the pro-confetti people are absolutely vital to the world!

  7. Thank you to all of you brave souls that have bared yourselves so publicly as it pertains to confetti! At this point, I think the PCTs (Pro-confetti tossers) and NCTs (Non-confetti tossers) are pretty even...as it should be. Balance in life is the goal!

    I sure appreciate all of you taking time to weigh in on this vital subject matter!

