Sunday, January 28, 2007

What's Your Theme?

I'm preparing to lead worship at our church's women's retreat in a few weeks. I've lead a couple of times before, but as usual, I always feel challenged and humbled at this task. God is always so faithful to bring these weekends together, blending all the elements which have been planned separately, producing a beautiful result...just what he wants it to be, accomplishing His purpose. I have no doubt He will do that again. I just want to be certain I'm attentive and hearing Him!

The theme of this year's retreat is called "Spa for the Soul". As I was looking through the speaker's outline for each session--4 in all--I saw her theme emerge. (I won't divulge it--but rather you'll have to wait for the retreat). "Coincidentally" as I was doing my own personal Bible study, I was in Psalms 22. Verse 25 says, "From you comes the theme of my praise in the great assembly." Hhmmm, "theme". What's with this "theme" thing?

David, who wrote this Psalm, speaks of his suffering and affliction in the preceding verses, acknowledging that God has met him in His need every time; many times he was delivered out of the hands of his enemies; "[God] has not hidden his face from [me] but has listened to [my] cry for help. Then David says, "From you (God) comes the theme of my praise in the great assembly."

Several things struck me about this. First of all, we all suffer at some time, in some way, or ways, we all are "afflicted". We are told in scripture that we will have trials. In these hardships, or afflictions, we grow the most...or I should say the opportunity for growth is increased as we rely on the Lord to walk us through each of these difficult things. Personally, I have found that I understand more about God's character, or something I read in the Bible makes more sense to me, or grace reaches deeper inside through each trial or hardship.

Secondly, the "theme" is not something we create, but God creates by what He allows into our lives. And, it doesn't seem to be the same theme for each person. We may have similar themes (similar hardships/sufferings/adversities), but God is the one who gives us our "themes", tailor-made for us individually so that we'll know Him in a deeper way--in an area, perhaps, where we need to know Him more fully?

Thirdly, it is our responsibility to share those themes with others in the Body--in the "great assembly"--in a public place. Praise is outward expression of telling God's greatness, telling of his goodness and what he has done. We are to tell others--praise God publicly--for what He has brought us out of, the enemies he has rescued us from, the adversities he has triumphed over.

So, as I prepare for the Women's retreat, it is impressed upon me how important it is for all of us--not just women--to be honest about life with one another. It is in Praising God for what he has brought us out of, or valleys He has brought us through, that others are encouraged, truth is told, suffering is eased, God is glorified, and we know Him deeper.

David's theme was that God was his deliverer, rescuer, triumphant warrior, comforter, hearer of his prayers. My theme would be God as father, friend, provider, deliverer, comforter. What is your theme? Please share. Praise God in the assembly...or even over a blog!


  1. Cheryl, thank you so much for such thought provoking, challenging posts. I always leave with so much to think about and so much more motivated to seek greater intimacy with God. At this point in my life, my theme is God as a father, provider, comforter, healer and friend. I can't wait to see how He meets each one of us at the retreat. Thank you for allowing him to use you in such an powerful way.

  2. My theme? Hmmm - good question. Probably something along the lines of that question Dr. Phil always asks, "And how's that workin' for ya?" God wants partner with me, not be drug behind me as I charge ahead with what I think I should do. That, or he wants me to get my heels out of the trenches I have dug fighting to not move forward in his will. In any case, he seems to be shaking me by the proverbial shoulders and saying, "Wake up and smell the blessings!"

  3. Hmmm... I have sat here staring at the screen, thinking. And the one thing that jumped out and keeps flashing across my mind is "Soul provider." so I am going with it! I wanted to put something more. But at this time in my life and what I have been through, He gives me everything. He feeds my soul.

    But once again Cheryl, you have made me think and go deeper.

    Thank You!
