Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mental Check List

The ever present mental check list. Unlike the slim, magnetized pad of paper that hangs on my refrigerator for listing those much needed items from the grocery store, my mental checklist is lodged somewhere in my brain and seemingly never runs out of pages. It is the unseen memo-taker in my head that keeps a running list of things to be accomplished, tasks to be completed, problems to be solved.

As of late, this mental "to do" list seems to be growing and I'm feeling the weight of each item added to the list. Weariness and fatigue are setting in. I can feel it. Actually, I'm just plain ol' tired these days. Rarely do I hit the snooze button on my alarm, and every morning this week I have done so at least 3 times!

Sometimes I make a reminder note to myself on the aforementioned refrigerator pad (which sometimes doubles as my "refrigerator mental checklist reminder pad") all in an attempt to mark off another 'have to' or another 'need to'. These days, my partial list looks something like this:

* Make 4-month retainer check appointment for son
* Make orthopedic appointment for daughter's knee pain
* Make orthodontic consult appointment for same daughter with knee pain
* Do taxes;
* Get songs chosen for women's retreat
* Talk to the speaker at women's retreat to go over some details
* Call Mom; it's been a while since I've touched base
* Call sister to follow up on moving plans
* Discuss new work schedule with part-time employer (which involves cutting down hours!)
* Buy craft supplies for youngest daughter's health project (due two days from now!)
* Get music to retreat pianist
* Go with oldest son to the doctor for what seems to be tonsilitis
* Look over schedule for the upcoming weekend and make arrangements for various activities
* Check with husband on his meeting plans
* Convince self that sinus pain and scratchy throat are due to a weather change
* Call retreat organizer for clarification and more information
* Out of milk. Make note on refrigerator list.
* Call local florist back who left a voice mail asking if I'd be interested in doing some Valentine's Day design work. NOPE! How about Mother's Day?
* Rented movies were due two days ago. Return them...NOW!
* Vacuum
* Out of vacuum cleaner bags, make note on refrigerator list
* Put some thoughts down on paper as I ponder Pastor's message from last week
* Pick up tickets for upcoming concert
* Blog
* Check email

Oh, the joy of checking off an item on this mental check list! A wave of giddiness has been known to wash over my spirit as I mentally check off another item. Today I felt this giddiness...more items marked "completed" and taken off the list with the help from others who helped carry the load or gave of their talents and abilites to enable me to complete my task at hand. I'm so thankful for these respites, for God's provision and for dear ones that give aide.

Well, time to end this posting. The evening is getting late and my mental check list is lurking about:

*turn dishwasher on
*say goodnight to kids
*say goodnight to husband
*pick up a few things, put a few things away
*let dogs out one last time
*brush teeth
*wash face
*turn off lights
*set alarm clock
*crawl into bed and get cozy
*drift off to sleep, determined not to hit the snooze alarm in the morning.


  1. oh i'm so glad someone else has as much mental stress as I do... we should definitely form a support group. you're great, cheryl and I so appreciate your encouragement through your writing!

  2. Wow! That's quite the list! Hope that things ease up for you all a bit soon and I'll be praying that scratchy throat goes away. I'm looking forward to hearing you lead worship at the retreat! ;) And tell old Dougy to ease up on you a bit!
