Sunday, July 15, 2007

Heavenly Impulses

You are probably like me and all too aware of the heartache, tragedy, hardships and trials going on around us in every day life. If one looks in their own life there are plenty to be had, and then as the circle expands to extended family, friends, church family, community, country and world...well, it is potentially overwhelming if we take it upon ourselves to be the ones to tend to all these issues. I'm thankful for a sovereign God who holds it all in His hand, all-powerful, all knowing, always present everywhere.

What I have been struck with recently, and have had the privilege to be a part of, is how God calls His "saints"--His followers--to join Him in being the giver of grace, love, help and comfort. He doesn't need us to to do these things, but He invites us to be a part of what He is doing, as a blessing to others and to us, and for our growth.

This morning I found myself singing parts of the hymn, "Take My Life and Let It Be". A couple of lines in particular have continued to stream through my brain,

Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love;
Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.

As I have talked with family members and friends this week, I am reminded of how my life is blessed when others 'move at the impulse of [His] love, and how I am blessed when I am in tune with the Spirit and allow myself to be moved by this same impulse.

A few blog posts back, ("Safely Home"), I wrote about Elliot, the teenager who had been swept out to sea. Two of my children were there, along with several other friends who had gathered around the two teens left crying on the beach after losing their friend. This group of teens were 'moved at the impulse of God's love' to reach out to the friends and mother. Sure there was some hesitation on the kids to enter into that space and approach the two laying on the beach, crying. In fact, they almost didn't approach the two distraught teens because they didn't want to intrude, and there was a fair measure of awkwardness. This was clearly out of everyone's comfort zone. None had experienced anything like this before. But they felt compelled to ask if there was anything they could do. They gave comfort (as much as possible), gathered around them in prayer, covered them in warm coats and walked with them on the beach. This group of 10 teenagers were Jesus' hands and feet in this moment of despair.

In a conversation with my sister this past week, she told me about a phone call she had just received informing her that some old friends of hers had lost their son in the ocean the week prior. The son was Elliot, and the parents were a couple that my sister had been close to many years ago when they attended the same church as young marrieds. I told her about our kids being there and praying with the mom (my sister's friend) and the two teens on the beach. My sister told me that the family had been overwhelmed by God's presence that day and since. It was clear He had been surrounding them with the family of God from the very beginning. They were so touched and thankful for the prayers from "family" members they didn't even know...but conscious that this is what was sustaining them.

I'm so thankful this group of teens, 'moved at the impulses' of God's love. Just think if they had given into those feelings of self-consciousness and awkwardness.

I have been intently praying for a sister who has been undergoing prolonged financial stress and health issues. Her faith has amazed me and has been such a testimony to me, as she is confident of God's faithfulness and provision and is waiting, watching and trusting Him to take care of her. I talked with her yesterday and she gave me a joyful report of how the Lord had opened the flood gates and blessed her through various "family" members. Each "giver" independently told her that they felt so heavily impressed by the Spirit of God to do these things, whether it be the giving of some dollars, or a bag full of groceries, or an invitation out to dinner. Each were clearly moved by the 'impulses of [His] love'. What a blessing they were to this sister, and how blessed each of them were for their obedience and listening the Lord; following through when they had no guarantee of how their gifts would be received, and for my dear sister who set aside any pride and received, acknowledging God's faithfulness and goodness.

I have seen the movement of God's love and presence in my own life in very specific ways this week, all through the hands of others who are in tune with His Spirit, willingly moving when and where He directs; Heavenly impulses that bless, that are a physical extension of God's presence.

How many times have I experienced those promptings? Have I followed through on those "non-sense-ical" times it has been placed on my mind and heart to send an email of encouragement to someone I don't know very well; or when I feel "impulsively" that I should hug someone; or when I "randomly" feel like I should take action and take some flowers to someone? Will I look foolish? Will the recipient think I'm odd or "out there"? What if I've mis-read these "promptings" and I'm overstepping some kind of line?

I find as I hum this hymn today, I continue to pray that the Lord will take my life and let it be consecrated to Him only. I want to move at the impulses of His love. I want to be His hands and feet. What a joy to be invited to be involved in what He is doing, as a blessing to others and to be blessed.

Take My Life and Let It Be
By Fran­ces R. Ha­ver­gal, Feb­ru­a­ry 1874.

Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.

Take my voice, and let me sing always, only, for my King.
Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from Thee.
Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold.
Take my intellect, and use every power as Thou shalt choose.

Take my will, and make it Thine; it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart, it is Thine own; it shall be Thy royal throne.
Take my love, my Lord, I pour at Thy feet its treasure store.
Take myself, and I will be ever, only, all for Thee.


  1. Cheryl, you are a blessing to me... this blog made me cry. What a privelege we have to be used by God in the lives of others! -Becci :)

  2. Cheryl, thank you so much for helping us all remember that we need to follow through on those promptings from God. Sometimes I'm moving so quickly through life, I don't make the time to hear His voice...other times I'm so worried about my own comfort, I don't act as His hands/feet/voice which I'm sure could have been a comfort to someone else. His will is all that should matter to me. Thanks for being His voice to me today.

  3. As you know, I've recently experienced the pain of losing a child. I was just talking to someone today who asked how my relationship with God is doing since the loss. I replied that I steadfastly believe that God is good and that He uses all things for His glory. Just as with Elliot, God has used Lillian's death to further His kingdom. He tells us in Job that there are sufferings on earth that enable Him to win bigger spiritual battles. I wouldn't have chose to let Lillian suffer or to lose her but I believe deep in my soul that God has a plan through this. It isn't easy but He never promised us easy. He did promise that He would comfort us in our troubles so that we could comfort others with the same love and compassion. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

    You've raised some amazing kids. They are listening to God's promptings and providing comfort to those in real need. You should be very proud.

  4. Beautiful post! Very touching.
