Monday, September 04, 2006

Turning Into a Man Right Before My Eyes

This post is merely a post of praise--public declaration of God's faithfulness, His goodness and steadfastness, and public declaration of my love and admiration for my son who stepped into manhood this week.

The past couple of weeks have been difficult. I don't want to go into details, can't go into details....But it has been hard...really emotionally difficult. But God heard our cries for help, our pleadings for direction and discernment, our longing to hear Him clearly and directly. He led us through the murky waters, through the tears, and he allowed my husband and me to see our son in a whole new way--as an adult.

Our son had to do some very "grown up" things this week and he was not faint of heart. But "Roo" rose to the task, placed another stake in the ground affirming his faith, and extended grace and compassion in a way that those older in age and faith would struggle to do. I cry just thinking about it. I have never been more proud. What a wonder that this man was my baby boy. We're so blessed and God is so good.

Jesus, Thank you for hearing our pleas, for holding our hands, for sheltering us in the storms, for allowing us to come to you without all the right words and in fact no words at all, but just tears and brokeness. Thank you for making your presence known in the midst of all the junk...that we aren't alone and that you're mindful of us. Thank you for keeping your word. Thank you for being a constant. Thank you for the joy and privilege of being "Roo's" parents. Please continue to shape and grow our dear son, hold him close. You are good!